Wednesday, September 06, 2006

No small reason

Just finished the latest feature story for The Pulse. A heart-wrenching and inspirational look at a very young child's will to live after being burned over 91 percent of her body. While her life is a miracle in and of itself, her recovery and optimism are truly amazing. What an honor to write her story.

Next: Come up with a slogan for the Hospital's groundbreaking ceremony this November. Thinking and thinking all the way home from town this afternoon, it finally hit me. "Expansion 2009: We're Diggin' It! I'll present it the committee and keep you posted.

Current Project: Memoir detailing the struggles and joys of raising a grandchild for nine years and the agonizing decision to file for legal custody. Prospectus is finished and the goal is 625 words a week (minimum).

In process: Interview presenters (40 of them) for the Bioneers sustainability conference this October in Minneapolis and write bios for the website and brochures. That should keep me out of trouble for a day or so!



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